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How to Use NVM-Windows to Manage Node.js Versions: A Step-by-Step Guide

11/04/20232 min read


Working with different Node.js versions can be necessary when you're juggling multiple JavaScript projects. nvm-windows provides a hassle-free way to switch between Node.js versions on Windows. Follow this step-by-step guide to take control of your Node.js environments.

Step 1: Install nvm-windows

Before you can manage Node.js versions, you need to install nvm-windows:

  1. Go to the nvm-windows GitHub releases page.
  2. Download the latest version of the nvm-setup.zip file.
  3. Extract the contents and execute the nvm-setup.exe file.
  4. Follow the installation instructions.

After installation, verify that nvm-windows is installed by opening a command prompt or PowerShell and typing:

nvm version

Step 2: Install Node.js Versions

Install any version of Node.js using nvm-windows. For example, to install Node.js version 14.17.0, type:

nvm install 14.17.0

Replace 14.17.0 with the version number you require.

Step 3: List Node.js Versions

To see a list of all installed Node.js versions, enter:

nvm list

Step 4: Switch Node.js Versions

To switch to a different Node.js version, use:

nvm use 14.17.0

Ensure to change 14.17.0 to the version you want to activate.

Step 5: Set a Default Node.js Version

Set a default Node.js version that will be used automatically in new shells:

nvm alias default 14.17.0

Again, replace 14.17.0 with the version you wish to set as default.


nvm-windows is an invaluable tool for Windows-based developers working with Node.js. By following these steps, you can install, manage, and switch Node.js versions effortlessly.