Handling HTTP Requests with Axios in JavaScript
11/06/20232 min read

Learn to simplify your web development process by setting up and using a custom Axios instance for HTTP requests in JavaScript. This step-by-step guide will show you how to create and use Axios instances for better management of GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE operations.read more

Streamlining Node.js Projects on Windows: Using nvm-windows and npm-check-updates
11/05/20232 min read

As a Node.js developer on Windows, you may find yourself needing to switch between different versions of Node.js for various projects. Additionally, keeping dependencies up-to-date is crucial for security and bug fixes. Here’s a quick reference on using `nvm-windows` to manage Node.js versions and `npm-check-updates` to keep your packages current.read more

How to Use NVM-Windows to Manage Node.js Versions: A Step-by-Step Guide
11/04/20232 min read

Easily switch between Node.js versions and manage your JavaScript development environment on Windows with this straightforward guide to using nvm-windows. read more

Essential Visual Studio Code Extensions
07/18/20182 min read

Visual Studio Code Extensions that will boost your front end development. read more

Writing Clean and Maintainable JavaScript: Best Practices for 2023
08/09/20232 min read

How to Improve Your JavaScript Coding Practices read more

Visual regression using puppeteer and resemblejs
08/18/20181 min read

A simple visual regression tool using puppeteer and resemblejs.read more